Highlighting safety

Cubelock Triple Lock window safety restrictor with Lock Safe Action is at the centre of a social media campaign to keep children safe.

The Child Accident Prevention Trust website said: “Parents often see falls from windows as ‘freak’ accidents, but the statistics belie that view. In fact, nationally, one child under five is admitted to hospital every day after falling from a building – often from open windows but also from balconies.”

Toby Staff, managing director at Newstar Door Controls, said: “Parents don’t always realise that there’s a simple solution to keep children safe from falling out of windows. There are still too many accidents where children are injured or killed, and we believe that most are preventable by installing window restrictors.

“That’s why we are highlighting the issues on social media. We are using positive images of children – the Cubettes – to keep it in the minds of parents, grandparents and carers of children.”

Cubelock, Newstar Door Controls, can be installed on all windows. The restrictor unit can be installed vertically or horizontally and is suitable for PVCU, timber, aluminium or steel windows. Cubelock Triple Lock includes a strong locking bar. The distinctive cube design gives it an attractive finish.

“We’ve made it easy for window installers to get involved on social media by using the hashtag #ChildSafeWindows,” Toby said. “We also have a simple leaflet explaining the issues for parents, available direct or for installers to use. We believe the Cubelock’s Cubettes will help highlight the easy way to keep our children safe by reducing the number of accidents involving children falling from windows.”
