Paint agreement
Mighton Products has signed an exclusive agreement with Dutch paint and coatings manufacturer Anker Stuy Veerven (ASV) to distribute the company’s specialist products for the UK joinery market, in which Mighton is the leading supplier of specialist sash, casement and bifold door hardware.
ASV products are respected for their performance and integrity and are expected to enjoy widespread demand through being available in the UK for the first time.
“ASV paints and coatings already enjoy considerable kudos in the UK despite not being widely obtainable until now,” said Mighton’s Mike Derham. “Our established and extensive distribution network now makes all ASV timber products readily available at competitive prices.”
ASV timber coatings and paints offer ease and consistency of application, fast drying, exceptional durability and sustainable performance, which characteristics allow the company to offer impressive guarantees of up to 25 years.