In safe hands

On March 20, Window Ware celebrated 1,500 days since its last lost time accident.

The company described it as a huge achievement because its small health and safety team carry out their duties alongside their main roles.

“Some firms employ full-time dedicated health and safety staff yet never achieve this kind of long-standing injury-free track record,” it said.

Window Ware attributed the milestone to a strong safety-conscious culture and diligent colleagues who are committed to ensuring the well-being of anyone who interacts with the business – not just staff, but suppliers, contractors and visitors too.

Window Ware’s operations manager Dave Harris said: “Ensuring a safe working environment takes a real team effort. We should all be immensely proud that we’ve delivered quality products and consistently high standards of service with no compromise on safety and no loss of working days due to injury since April 2012. In fact, for the last 88 days, we’ve not even seen so much as a minor incident on site. Everyone thoroughly deserved a generous slice of the celebration cake we bought to mark the occasion.”