Growing sales

Deceuninck has announced year-on-year sales up 18% to the end of July, in contrast with Fensa’s figures that say volume in H1 2019 was down 8.2% compared to the same period in 2018.

“We’re nearly 30% up on the market,” Deceuninck’s MD Rob McGlennon said. “So Deceuninck must be getting it right for fabricators and installers. Our colour percentage rose to 60% of sales in June and it’s still climbing. All our top 20 customers are selling over 50% of their sales in colour against a market which is less than 30% colour. Many fabricators sell well below this.

Rob attribute the positive results to the popularity of colour and Deceuninck’s colour offer, and the flush sash.

“Commercial sales are flying too but we have more contracts than fabricators to make them, so if any commercial fabricators are reading this get in touch, because we need you,” Rob said. “Partnering fabricators rather than just supplying them has proven to be a very successful policy. Powering their growth, has powered ours.”

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