Grand Designs

Grabex Windows featured the Fuhr 881 fully motorised multipoint door lock, supplied by Carl F Groupco, on its stand at the 2018 Grand Designs Live London event.

Considerable interest was reportedly shown in the lock that was displayed with Carl F Groupco’s SmartSecure fingerprint and remote key fob access control options on Grabex’s timber door.

Clare Crockett, marketing manager for Carl F Groupco, said:

“Grand Designs Live is a multi-award-winning event and was a prime location to showcase the Fuhr lock and the capabilities of our SmartSecure electronic locking and access control brand. We were delighted that our technology was selected by Grabex to be incorporated into its stand design.”

Carl F Groupco’s range of SmartSecure access control options allow the user to electronically unlock their door. The Fuhr mulitronic 881 is at the heart of the solution – when the door is closed, all locking points, including the deadbolt, lock automatically driven by a dual motor to engage and secure within three seconds of closing. The Fuhr 881 integrates with all SmartSecure access control options including the fingerprint and remote key fob access displayed by Grabex at Grand Designs.

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