Demand ‘surges’ for Tommy Trinder

The desire amongst installers to attract more high-end clients has become a primary reason for seeking new quoting software, according to latest research from Tommy Trinder.

Tom Barfield, business development consultant to Tommy Trinder, speaks to a lot of window installers; he claims to have carried out more than 170 demos of the firm’s sales app over the last six months.

And, according to Tom, when it comes to buying software, it’s all change: “During the pandemic it was all about saving time. Installers, working all hours to keep up, turned to Tommy in the need for speed; as a means to get quotes out more efficiently. Quite honestly, installers just wanted their evenings and weekends back!

“But 2023 was totally different. The going got tough, and installers quickly recognised that there’s more to winning hearts and wallets than simply getting a quote out of the door. Installers have been on the hunt for software that will wow homeowners; tools to help position them at the upper end of the market selling quality products to discerning customers.”

According to Tommy Trinder, its quoting app is now used by over five hundred window installers, with more than 20 signing up every month.

Chris Brunsdon, founder & CEO of Tommy Trinder, said: “The cold wind that has been blowing in the bottom half of the market seems set to continue for some time, so it’s no wonder that installers are actively seeking out tools that will help them stand out from the pack.

“Tommy Trinder makes it easy to show off premium features such as foils, dual colours, dummy vents, mechanical joints, flush casements, surface mounted bars, premium ironmongery etc. in a visual and engaging way. With sales of basic white windows dwindling, installers are telling us these details are key to making the most of every opportunity.”

Another key weapon when selling to the premium market, adds Chris, is the ‘makeover’. Around 100,000 homeowners received a quote generated by the app in 2023, and 60% of quotes were accompanied by a ‘makeover’.

“The makeover, where installers provide a mock-up to the homeowner of their new windows in situ, is definitely becoming a staple part of the quoting process,” explained Chris.

“When you consider the ease with which consumers are able to model other significant purchases like cars or kitchens, it feels inevitable that offering the client a visual of windows and doors will become the norm.

“Customers love being able to try before they buy – trying out different styles, colours and bar options and instantly seeing the results in situ. It all adds up to a memorable and compelling buying experience.”