Business pledge

CMS Window Systems has teamed up with the Fairness Commissioner in North Lanarkshire, along with several other organisations dedicated to addressing social inequality and poverty, at a special event to encourage businesses to follow its Living Wage lead and sign up to the Scottish Business Pledge.

The company was invited to present to business leaders from across the region at a recent seminar about its positive experiences of being a Living Wage employer.

Sharing a platform with Louise Woodruff from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and representatives from the Scottish government, the business breakfast provided a forum for all kinds of companies to discuss how good, fair and innovative business practice benefits society as a whole.

CMS Window Systems adopted the Living Wage in 2015. It took the step as part of its long-term strategy to be a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable business.

CEO David Ritchie said: “The Living Wage is an overwhelmingly positive initiative when you consider the far-reaching benefits of ensuring that hard working individuals are fairly rewarded for the contribution they make to the success of a business.

“Employee satisfaction and engagement pay huge dividends in terms of productivity, loyalty, product quality and customer service, and these are the key areas that we have gained a competitive edge. For us it’s a win-win.”