100% score

Mila’s quality manager Alan Peel.
Mila’s quality manager Alan Peel.

Mila has received a 100% score in its most recent ISO9001 BSI audit.

The score means Mila can transition immediately from the 2008 version of the ISO9001 standard to the revised 2015 version, positioning the hardware specialist alongside many of the UK’s leading businesses.

Mila’s quality manager Alan Peel said: “To be recommended for transition, a business has to achieve a score of 80% on the six-monthly audit with no more than five minor non-conformances. Our processes are such that I was confident that we would achieve that, but 100% with no non-conformances exceeded even my high expectations.

“Quality management is always a team effort of course and a score of 100% can only be achieved when quality is truly ingrained within a business’s culture. Here at Mila, every department from sales to supply chain plays their part, and the audit recognised that with no areas identified requiring improvement.”

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