Ab Initio introduces new innovations at FIT Show

AdminBase, the installer management system from Ab Initio, is said to be ‘delighted’ with the response to its latest innovations at the FIT Show, including a Taskboard feature and an upgrade to the My AdminBase Diary app.
Rhonda Ridge of AdminBase explained: “We had lots to show visitors at this year’s FIT Show, but as anticipated, our newest launches have created the biggest buzz.
“Installation businesses were particularly excited to see Taskboard, our online job board feature that allows installation businesses to manage work online.
“Taskboard is a digital alternative to a physical job board where projects are broken down into individual tasks and each task is allocated to an individual and given a deadline. This method of working ensures no one person or team gets overloaded with work while others don’t have enough to do.
“It also means work allocation is always visible,” she explained. “Even when things change through the day, as they inevitably do, Taskboard and the AdminBase system as a whole means the entire business is always up to date. This allows for any necessary corrective action to be taken sooner rather than later.”
Rhonda continued: “As well as TaskBoard, visitors have appreciated having the Pricepoint team on hand on our stand to talk about the upgrade to the front-end sales app that we made at last year’s FIT Show. They were also keen to hear more about the very latest upgrade to the My AdminBase Diary app that already allows everyone to see the very latest data on any job at any time.
“The significant upgrade to this already useful tool now sees the My AdminBase Diary app’s flexibility extended to elevate what is currently used as more of an advanced appointment book, to an installation management tool,” she said.
“The update makes it easy for managers to see the appointments assigned to their team members as well as their own. So, for example an installation manager can view the appointments assigned to fitters and add their own photos to the job to feed back into the contract in AdminBase. This makes it easier for the manager to carry out site visits without the need for a specific appointment in AdminBase.
“As predicted, our team was kept busy throughout the course of the show, giving live one-to-one demos and answering questions,” concluded Rhonda.
“It’s great to get in front of installation businesses with our ever-evolving system because there is often something new to demonstrate and it’s a genuine thrill to see home improvement companies realise how AdminBase can make their lives easier. We had a great FIT Show as always, and now look forward to delivering further support to existing and new customers.”