Cleaner, greener and more efficient glass production with Filtraglass

With over 15 years of experience in the sector, Filtraglass designs and manufactures water filtration systems for use in the glass industry, exporting its systems to various countries on several continents.

The company boasts an innovative and dynamic team, cutting-edge technology and personalised customer service.

  • Water consumption savings

The main goal of a water recycling system is to reduce water consumption by reusing the same water more than once.

The system collects the water containing solid glass particles used in manufacturing processes and filters it before returning it to a closed supply circuit.

According to Filtraglass, a recycling system can reduce water consumption from the grid by up to 85%. However, this figure may be higher or lower based on the specifics of your facility, the number of machines, possible leaks from the closed circuit or water loss through evaporation.

  • Longer useful life for machines

After installing a water recycling system, machine maintenance and wear and tear on parts will be reduced due to the use of clean water that doesn’t contain damaging glass particles, thereby extending their useful life.

  • Increased productivity

Productivity is one of the most important aspects of any company in any sector. This can be affected by various factors, including production line stoppages for maintenance purposes.

Glass treatments plants that install water filtration systems reduce their maintenance load and therefore their production line stoppages, increasing manufacturing efficiency in the process.

  • Reduced environmental pollution

Reducing water consumption is one of the factors on which particular focus has been placed in recent years for making a positive contribution to environmental conservation. At present, being environmentally friendly can present a distinct competitive advantage for glass processors.

By installing a water filtration system, companies can avoid harming the environment in two separate ways: firstly, reducing water consumption through recycling and secondly, avoiding the deposit of glass particles into the environment as the system converts this into solid, dry, extractable and recyclable waste.

  • Reduced coolant consumption

The consumption of liquid coolant is closely tied to water consumption. Some companies in the glass treatment industry use this product to improve cutting tasks and to avoid overheating diamond-tipped cutters.

In an installation with no water recycling system, the coolant must be replaced more often because the useful life of the water used is shorter.

With a filtration system, coolant consumption is reduced because it only needs to be replaced when there is a leak or due to the ordinary process of evaporation.

  • Improved end product

The use of high-quality water not only affects the amount of machine maintenance required or the length of their useful life but also affects the end result for the treated glass.

The use of filtered water in glass treatment processes helps produce a cleaner end product: a transparent glass free from glass dust residue.