Back to normal

Andy Ball, managing director at Balls2 Marketing, explains the benefits of returning to normal for the glazing industry.
With ‘Freedom Day’ upon us, and the lifting of the restrictions which have changed our lives for so long now, it seems we are finally returning to a sense of normality.
Of course, the pandemic is far from over, and should be treated as such, but the latest step out of lockdown provides us with a great opportunity to return to a life closer to what we knew pre-Covid.
Many of us will now be attending face-to-face meetings once again, something which seems so rare after a year of being restricted to Zoom calls, and while that has opened up opportunities and will likely be here to stay, I, for one, will be looking forward to meeting with clients in person again.
The return of some of the glazing industry’s biggest events too can only be a positive, and with government guidance allowing these plans to take place, it is very exciting to think of the glazing industry actually socialising face-to-face after so long.
The first event of course is Pigs in Manchester on August 4, which is always a fantastic networking event and even better for having a drink and a catch up with old industry faces. As it’s more than a year since the last one, it is an event that we can’t wait for.
Glass Times Race Day at Epsom Downs is another significant and much anticipated event on the glazing industry’s calendar, and it will be great to see everyone together, especially after the cancellation of July’s event at Haydock Park.
So, it’s looking up for our industry. After the challenges we’ve faced this past year, seeing all of our industry friends and having a catch up over a drink will be an amazing and well-deserved reward after pulling through such a challenging period.
It’s something which I’m looking forward to doing with many of you, firstly at Pigs in Manchester on August 4.