Pedal2Paddle challenge completed in style

On Saturday August 26, the Paddle2Pedal team arrived at Hope House in Oswestry to complete their seven-day canoeing, cycling and abseiling challenge, which saw them cover 220 miles, climbing 7,200 and a 135ft abseil.

Organiser Gary Morton said: “What a huge success! This was the first all-female challenge GM Fundraising has ever organised and the 12-strong team certainly gave the boys a run for their money, myself included.

“Over the 20 years of GM Fundraising, and with all the events we have organised, you develop certain expectations of an inaugural event but the girls smashed it in every way. The camaraderie and team ethic was so strong; each and every member dug deep, pulled through and supported each other to do the same.

“So far the team has raised over £90,000 – a phenomenal amount and the most ever from an inaugural event. But they don’t want to stop there – we’re aiming for £100,000.

“If anyone hasn’t supported them yet, I urge you to do so; this is a very worthy team taking part in a challenge for a very worthy cause and every little helps.”

The team included: Clare O’Hara (Epwin Group), Katrina Earl (Epwin Group), Christina Shaw (Glass News), Natasha Erskine (GGF), Charlotte Davies (Edgetech), Sarah Ball (Balls2 Marketing), Tina Moorhouse (Oakland Glass), Deborah Hendry (Kolorseal), Amy Perrin (Quickslide), Helen Noble (Liniar), Nikki Dunbar (Liniar), and Sioned Webb (Aluk).

Seven of the team had never ridden a bike before, and only 1 of them had been in a canoe.