A trio of appointments

Purplex has made three key appointments: Paula Gledhill joins as PR and marketing manager for the Ascot Group, which includes Purplex and sister company Insight Data, and will head up PR, awards and media distribution for the group; new digital account executive Christy Riddell joins Purplex after working in account management for 21 years; and the SEO team has been strengthened by the appointment of Nikita Mohide, who joins as an SEO executive.

The appointments take the total number of employees at the agency’s headquarters to 68.

Purplex’s managing director and group CEO Andrew Scott said: “All three are exciting additions and bring the skills that will help propel us forward in the future. Marketing, and the construction industry itself, is changing all the time and I think a major contributor to our year-on-year growth is that we have a team in place that have the knowledge, ability and skills to really drive our clients forward and help them grow.”

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