Smart door solution

Carl F Groupco is supplying hardware to Tai Tarian, one of the largest social landlords in Wales with responsibility for over 9,000 properties.

The contract, which supports all Tai Tarian’s hardware needs for maintenance, renewal and new build across its full housing stock, includes SmartSecure, Carl F Groupco’s electronic door locking and access control technology.

SmartSecure is being used by Tai Tarian for independent living accommodation and the adaption of properties for social needs. A major advantage of SmartSecure reported by the social landlord is in the area of access – where tenants have mobility constraints, the ability to control who enters the property is a practical solution.

Steve Meredith, Tai Tarian’s PVCU production manager, said: “The technology is empowering. Tenants find it easier to use than traditional locking systems because they don’t have to move to open the door. Carers and family members also benefit from ease of access. Support is important, particularly with adoption of Smart technology, and the service from Carl F Groupco is outstanding.”

Carl F Groupco Limited
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