Updated website

Mila has redesigned its website to help customers who are working remotely as a result of the latest government restrictions.

The main changes are to the navigation of the site, which now uses the same drop-down menus as the high street’s leading retailers, to make it easier for customers to find products with a couple of clicks.

Marketing director Sarah Gyde said: “The Mila website is a fantastic resource for customers, packed with technical and sales information, fabrication advice, downloadable test certificates, news and blogs.

“We had record numbers of hits during the last lockdown, so we know how much customers value it. This time around, we’ve made it even more user friendly, with simpler menus, new EDIT focuses so that they can see the newest product launches, and easy literature downloads.

“The website is also the place to read all our latest news updates on product launches and legislative changes, and managing director Richard Gyde’s popular blog. It also, of course, has all the contact details that customers need to stay in touch with our own sales and technical teams who are also working remotely.”


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