Tailored service

Endurance’s Homeview Door Designer has proven itself to be the ultimate selling aid when it comes to the composite door market, allowing homeowners to create their perfect door from a wide range of styles, glazing options, colours, and hardware choices.

The HomeView Door Designer can be branded to suit specific members of the Endurance Preferred Installer Network. Not only does this help to make it a seamless addition to any website, it also allows it to serve as a call to action when it comes to brand marketing: especially on social media platforms.

This door designer allows installers’ customers to design their door from the comfort of their own home, offering the possibility for the homeowner to take a picture of their own property and input it into the designer to see how the door will actually look when installed. Installers can even add their prices and mark-up, so the homeowner gets an instant price online.

Scott Foster, marketing manager at Endurance, said: “The tool has been designed and refined through a comprehensive testing process to determine the best course of action, ensuring members of the Endurance Preferred Installer Network benefit across the board.”