‘Relentless’ new product launch

By Apeer.
Apeer is faced with the task of completing its latest factory extension to cope with the additional demand gained across all of its products at successive FIT Shows, while it ventures out to meet visitors to this year’s FIT Show to generate even more.
And with the host of new and highly original products the company will bring with it to the NEC in May, perhaps Apeer boss Asa McGillian should put the planning application in now for the inevitable next phase.
For buyers seeking residential doors in smooth finishes and pastel colours in line with homeowners’ current demand for such window finishes made popular by aluminium frames, Apeer is using the FIT Show to introduce Silka, a range of smooth-skin residential doors. The result of a manufacturing process that has taken almost a year to perfect, pre-FIT Show reveals to a handful of customers have apparently been very enthusiastic.
With the current focus on residential fire doors, Apeer will also reveal its new glazed entrance door with spyhole and letterbox, which has been fully tested to FD30S. A selection of the latest Apeer 70 composite finishes and styles will also be available to show the progress being made for this important staple of the Apeer resi door offer.

Lumi2, Apeer’s retrofitable version of its award-winning range of edge-to-edge, frameless glazed windows, residential and sliding doors, is further enhanced by the Lumi Coloro door, and a new slider. Coloro is a glass-faced residential door sandwiching a 70 mm high density core. This combination provides superb aesthetics in a range of striking colours while energy efficiency and security provide a performance that belie its elegant looks. The new Lumi2 slider, in the meantime, provides a simple garden door complement to a house installed with Lumi2 windows, thus filling a gap.
Despite the attraction of the new product additions, it is expected that many visitors will be making the pilgrimage to the Apeer stand for the purpose of reviewing Lumi2 which, despite being available for 18 months now, will provide visitors to the stand with a great deal to consider. Produced with the same edge-to-edge frameless glazing aesthetic of the original Lumi triple glazed window, Lumi2 offers installers the opportunity to compete in the home improvement market for extensions and replacements, although one with stunning features unavailable with any other window system.
Offered as a suite of windows with matching sliding doors and the new rooflight, Lumi2 is unique in its offer as well as its styling. The sales process is also supported by the company’s new Lumi software package for pricing and ordering.
Fancy an Apeer pod in your showroom? A handful of lucky visitors to the Apeer stand will be selected to receive one of the custom display pods on its FIT Show stand for display in their showrooms. Apeer builds these high quality pods that display a range of Apeer products in the most stylish display units available. Usually delivered to order for selected retail customers, the FIT Show pods, built to an exceptionally high standard, will be delivered immediately after the FIT Show to the chosen retailers.
Come and tell us why you should have one in your showroom.