New warm edge videos

Thermoseal Group has released new editions of both its trade and warm edge consumer videos.

They reflect the international growth of the group and its series of high-profile awards, while showcasing the benefits of warm edge spacer systems Thermobar and Thermoflex.

The videos, for use throughout the supply chain, are available to watch on the Thermoseal Group website: with multilingual versions to follow.

“Since the initial release of our trade video, and our ‘Warm Comfortable Homes’ consumer video, we have seen further growth and development and now supply to 22 countries in five continents,” Samantha Hill, head of marketing and communications, said. “We have also won numerous prestigious accolades for our products, services and to recognise our international development.”

Alongside being announced as winner of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade 2017, Thermoseal Group has won other awards over the past year including: ‘Component Supplier of the Year’ at the G-Awards (for the second year in a row); ‘Amazon Growing Business Award – Export Champion of the Year’; ‘Wigan Business Award for Export’; and the EEF Future Manufacturing Award for the North West Region for Export.

“We are delighted with the recognition and endorsement that these awards represent,” Sam said.

Thermoseal Group Limited
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