A bifolding door “evolution”

Made for Trade is set to launch the second product in the Korniche systems range: the Korniche bifolding door.
One of the key features of the new door, showcased with great success at the 2019 FIT, is the all-aluminium clip bead with pre-fitted gasket, a feature that really upholds the Korniche ‘faster’ USP, the company said.
This allows the doors to be glazed in seconds and significantly decreases the time spent on site.
The new product is also going to be safer, thanks to PAS24 as standard on every door set and MFT’s ‘safety for no extra cost’ delivery promise.
More details will be released in coming weeks, and MFT promises the Korniche bifolding door will be “faster, warmer, slimmer, stronger and safer than the competition”.

“MFT’s business ethos of the best products, at the best prices all backed up by the best service in the industry will be reflected clearly in these fantastic new premium doors which, like the lantern roof, will come in at a trade price point that cannot be ignored, and a volume reseller offering that is absolutely unrivalled,” the company said.