Wow factor

Tom Barfield
Tom Barfield

61% of installers say that ‘improving the buying experience’ is the primary reason for seeking new quoting software, according to latest research from Tommy Trinder.

Tom Barfield, business development consultant to Tommy Trinder, said: “2021 was all about saving time. Installers, working all hours turned to Framepoint in the need for speed; as a means to get quotes out more efficiently. Quite honestly, installers just wanted their evenings and weekends back!

“But this year the thinking is different. In our more competitive, post-pandemic environment, installers are recognising that there’s more to winning hearts and wallets than simply getting a quote out of the door. Installers want software that will wow customers and help them stand out from the crowd – software that will help them deliver a great ‘buying experience.’”

Chris Brunsdon, founder & CEO of Tommy Trinder commented: “We launched Framepoint to help installers sell with a ‘wow’.

“There’s always plenty of ooohhs and ahhhhs from homeowners when you free-sketch projects on Framepoint; seeing their new windows and doors come to life in full photo-realistic glory is a moment great excitement.”