Unique achieves key milestone towards net zero

Unique Window Systems says it has achieved a significant milestone on its journey to becoming a net zero business and is now successfully offsetting all of its Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Scope 1 emissions are those created by sources which the business directly owns or controls.

They include emissions produced by Unique’s fleet of vehicles, by machinery at its 165,000ft2 production site in Leicester and by infrastructure such as boilers used to heat its premises.

Scope 2 emissions result from the generation of electricity by external energy providers which is then purchased by Unique to help power its operations.

To offset its Scope 1 and 2 emissions, Unique has worked with Switch2Zero. Through this partnership, the fabricator has contributed to carbon offsetting projects around the world such as the creation of solar and hydro power plants and wind farms.

All of the projects funded by Switch2Zero and its partners are said to be independently assessed and certified by organisations like the United Nations to ensure their levels of environmental integrity and that they make a genuine contribution towards sustainable development.

Switch2Zero also helps its partners to offset their environmental impact through additional services such as tree planting and plastic waste collection.

Unique’s success in offsetting its Scope 1 and 2 emissions is just the latest in a long line of positive steps taken by the business in its pursuit of ever higher levels of sustainability.

It has also implemented initiatives to reduce the amount of production waste it creates and to ensure that this reduced waste is recycled wherever possible.

In addition, it employs eco-friendly delivery strategies, continues to reinvest into more efficient machinery and vehicles, and has a strong focus on sustainable material sourcing.

Sunil Patel, joint managing director at Unique Window Systems, said: “At Unique, we pay more than lip service to the notion of sustainability. As a business, we recognise that we have a very real duty of care to minimise our environmental impact for the benefit of both society today and future generations.

“To this end, we operate robust environmental management and reporting systems and are wholeheartedly committed to adopting more sustainable working practices and products.

“Successfully offsetting our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions maintains that commitment. It also represents an important step in our ongoing drive to be a carbon neutral business.”