Stuga’s Gareth Green joins the PiGs Kilimanjaro Team

Gareth Green
Gareth Green

Gareth Green, technical director at UK machinery company, Stuga Machinery, has signed up for the PiGs Charity of the Year Challenge to climb Mount Kilimanjaro for Kelly’s Heroes.

With not long to go until the team leaves on 12 September 2024, Gareth is the 14th person from the glazing industry and joins a committed team of climbers. He’s no newcomer to the industry, he worked alongside his father who first set up Stuga in 1986 – in fact Gareth is the ‘ga’ in Stuga, with his brother Stuart making up the first three letters.

Gareth said: “I’m climbing Kilimanjaro for the adventure, the challenge, and to meet new people. Plus, I hear the Wi-Fi is terrible up there, so it’s a good excuse to avoid emails for a while. On a serious note, it’s all for Kelly’s Heroes, which adds a noble cause to the thrill of this mad escapade.

“Kelly’s Heroes means a great deal to me, especially as a parent of four. The fact that suicide remains a shocking statistic is deeply troubling, and it’s a stark reminder that mental health needs as much attention as physical health. Kelly’s Heroes is doing incredible work by supporting those struggling with mental health issues and ensuring that help is available before it’s too late.

“As a father, I know how crucial it is to be present and supportive for my children, and I want them to grow up in a world where mental health is talked about openly and addressed compassionately.

Climbing Kilimanjaro is my way of contributing to this cause, raising awareness, and hopefully encouraging others to practice good mental health. If climbing this mountain means we can help even one person or one family avoid the pain of losing a loved one, then every step is worth it.”

Living in Norfolk, hill training is not so easy, but Gareth has put an extensive training programme in place to get himself climbing fit – including lots of cardio, strength training, and walking up all the Norfolk low ranges, topping out at Beacon Hill, West Runton at 105m.

Like most of the team, Gareth is not looking forward to the altitude sickness. However, when asked about what he was most looking forward to, he replied: “The sense of achievement from just being brave enough in taking the first steps and also being involved with something meaningful, with no other motivation than kindness.”

To donate to Gareth’s page, go to