More doors sold

Solidor is 37% up in 2016 compared to 2015, the company has announced.

Solidor CEO Gareth Mobley said: “Last year, the Solidor team achieved consistently world-class service levels while growing very quickly, and we’re ready to maintain this outstanding service while growing even faster.”

Solidor customers broke sales records in August, then broke them again in September, October, November, and December. Solidor also broke its lead generation records, sending over 1,700 homeowner leads to customers in a single month.

“We work hard to make sure customers have exactly what they need to sell Solidor,” Gareth said. “Our lead generation system and Door Designer mean homeowners have often designed their Solidor before they even contact their Solidor installer, so it’s an easy sell for customers. Our comprehensive POS and marketing package means customers have all they need to sell the most secure composite door.

“We’re ready to continue growing in 2017 by generating more leads, creating more sales tools, investing in more product innovation, and doing all that on a world-class service platform.”