Listers’ rising star

Listers’ head of customer service and order processing, Bradley Foster, won the Rising Star of the Year Award at this year’s G-Awards, beating off stiff competition and demonstrating the strength of the trade fabricator’s customer support department.
“I was shocked when they called my name out,” Bradley said. “But I was absolutely over the moon – and privileged. It really means a lot to me.
“I enjoy working at Listers, and we’ve all been working hard – especially over these last two years. The philosophy I pass on to my staff is that if we think that something will make the customer service experience better, then we should do it.
“I try to put myself in my customers’ shoes, and ask myself what I would want from that relationship. That’s why I want Listers to be as proactive and as conclusive as possible across all our sites.
“It was a great night, and we had a whole team of us from Listers attend the G-Awards, so it was the icing on the cake to win the award – even if it was for doing my day job!”
Bradley started in the window industry 2017 when he was 18, and joined the GJB Group (now Listers) as an order processor, a role he did for a couple of years before moving into the IT side of the business.
Since then, he has progressed rapidly through the business, taking on his current role when he was just 23 years old.
Bradley is said to have quickly developed from being very hands-on and reactionary to having oversight of the whole operation. As a result, he is currently developing a department that doesn’t just service customers, but one that interacts with them and gives them a full ‘customer experience’.
“We are thrilled for Bradley – no-one deserves that award more,” said Roy Frost, managing director at Listers. “When I first met Bradley shortly after acquiring GJB in 2017, he was working in the IT department, and he just stood out as a very capable and motivated young person. It was obvious that he was able to take on more responsibility, and that he should be given the opportunities to shine.
“Bradley puts the customer first, and it is just natural to him to sort out any problems the customer may have before working out how the problem occurred in the first place and putting in corrective, preventative action. So many people get this simple thing so wrong. But Bradley understands the importance of resolving the customer issue first and fast.”
Rob Waller, sales director at Listers, said: “Everyone at Listers is delighted with Bradley’s win – we all had a great night celebrating with him at the G-Awards.
“He has a very professional and positive work ethic, which is backed up with an impressive knowledge of the company and its processes. Being head of customer services really plays to his strengths because he is efficient, approachable, and very customer focused.
“Another key strength of Bradley’s, and one which Listers really benefits from, is his ability to get things done – if a solution needs to be found for a particular problem or challenge, Bradley will work something out.”