Haffner confirms FIT 2025

Haffner has confirmed it has booked a 600m2 zone at FIT 2025, which will run from 29 April to 1 May 2025 at the NEC, Birmingham.
Matt Thomas, MD at Haffner, said: “FIT has always been an important event for us, and the trend continued this year. Having had another tremendous show with a large pipeline of new business enquiries, we had no hesitation in signing up for FIT 2025.”
Haffner had the largest stand at FIT 2023 and will have an even bigger stand in 2025.
Matt said: “The scale of our stand means we can run live factory set-ups and showcase a large selection of the latest cutting-edge aluminium and PVC-U fabrication machinery from our range. It’s an approach we know works. On the first day of the show, we confirmed a sale of the new SBA-4 machining centre and we had high quality footfall and interest across all three days from fabricators of all sizes looking to take their businesses to the next level.”
Nickie West, FIT’s event director, said: “It’s fantastic to hear that Haffner had such a positive show this year and, on the back of this, has committed to exhibit at FIT Show 2025. To make such a huge sale on the first opening morning of FIT Show 2023 is a real achievement, and a clear indication that we attract the right visitors, in the right stage of the buying journey to deliver return on investment for our exhibitors.”
She continued: “I’m delighted that Dave, Matt and the Haffner team will be joining us again in two years’ time. It’s a huge coup to have running machinery on such a scale on the FIT Show floor plan, and a real pull for visitors. Thanks to the whole Haffner team for their support.”