Framed at FIT

People in Glazing got framed at FIT Show as Pigs organisers Balls2 Marketing snapped them in the new Pigs #instaframe.

“Lots of our sponsors were at the FIT show either as exhibitors or visitors and we thought it would be fun to get photographs of them,” organiser Sarah Ball said. “It gives us some extra pictures that we can use in the promotion of the Pigs networking events, and it makes great content for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

“Social media is at the heart of the success of Pigs. We have 1,740 followers on Twitter with a loyal following on Facebook and LinkedIn too. Having good photos really helps to get the posts noticed, and the 40 odd pics we took have already proven to be popular. You can check out the album on Facebook.

“The privilege of organising one of the most popular industry events is what we get from Pigs, all the money from sponsors goes behind the bar. The next one is booked for September 7 in Glasgow and we’ll be revealing the location very soon.”