Frame Fast showcases Kubu at open day

Installers and representatives from new build developers were in attendance at Frame Fast’s October open day to learn about the latest advancements in smart security and tour its dedicated aluminium showroom and manufacturing facility.

Derby’s largest trade fabricator has partnered with Kubu, with all doors and standard windows now manufactured to be compatible with the smart security system. The Kubu team were also in attendance at the open day, giving in-depth presentations on its benefits and explaining how it provides customers with even greater sales opportunities.

Kubu enables homeowners to check the status of their windows and doors through a simple mobile app, providing real-time updates and alerts.

“We’re thrilled to have had such a fantastic turnout for our open day,” said Nigel Leivers, Frame Fast managing director. “We’ve always focussed on supporting installers and builders in the East Midlands and this was a great opportunity to connect and share the benefits of Kubu.

“Our windows and doors are already compatible with Kubu, so it means that our customers can offer outstanding physical security with the added benefit of smart technology. It gives them a differentiator to help stay ahead of the competition.”

Mark Bromley, CEO of Kubu Smart, commented: “The Frame Fast open day was a fantastic event and we saw a significant level of interest from installers and house builders alike. Installers were enthusiastic about our Kubu Pro installer scheme, while a number of house builders expressed strong interest in fitting Kubu as standard across their developments.

“This positive response really highlights the appetite for smart, secure home solutions, and it’s clear that our partnership with Frame Fast is set for success as we work together to bring whole-home smart security to the market.”

Frame Fast Ltd
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