Edgetech taking steps to cut embodied carbon

Edgetech has taken steps to significantly reduce its usage of plastic packaging. Manufacturing plastic is said to be a major contributor to carbon emissions worldwide, and effectively recycling and disposing of it poses an ongoing challenge.

The company is also shifting to the use of glueless boxes in its spacer manufacturing, again reducing its reliance on a material with a significant environmental impact.

In doing so, the firm says it is taking steps to cut the embodied carbon of its spacer products – the total carbon emitted in the process of manufacturing, transporting and installation of a product, then its lifetime after installation.

Managing director, Chris Alderson, commented: “Edgetech, like Quanex more generally, is firmly committed to cutting carbon emissions – both by manufacturing some of the world’s leading spacer products, and reducing our own carbon footprints.

“Simply looking at the carbon emitted during day-to-day operations is no longer enough in an era where companies and countries around the world strive for net zero.

“Embodied carbon accounts for 11% of annual greenhouse gas emissions, and 28% of building sector emissions – and by cutting these, we can help steer construction into a greener future.”