Bon voyage

Conservatory Outlet is preparing for its sixth annual gala dinner, exclusively for its close network of retail partners.

Taking place in Paris, this will be the second time the event has taken place outside of the UK and will see the company and its partners celebrating another year of growth, the company said.

Owners and directors of retail partners, past and present will be attending the event along with their partners. The recent formation of the Conservatory Outlet Group, along with newest additions to the network – Bon Accord Glass – makes 2018 the biggest Conservatory Outlet event ever planned, with just short of 90 guests set to make the trip.

Conservatory Outlet’s marketing manager Karen Clough said: “We’re in such a privileged position to be able to bring the whole network together for occasions such as the annual gala dinner. Our weekend away is all about saying a heart-felt thank you to our retail partners for their hard work, loyalty and friendship over what has been yet another fantastic year of growth.

“It also gives us all a fabulous opportunity to spend quality time with friends from across the network, away from the distractions of day-to-day business.”