Get in front of the market slowdown

Andy Royle
Andy Royle

Andy Royle, co-founder and MD of Leads 2 Trade, says that installers can secure additional leads despite the tougher market.

Let’s be honest, the home improvement industry has never been immune to market fluctuations. I’m sure we can all pinpoint the months or seasons historically when things quieten down during the year.

After the feast of the last few years however, the market started to cool towards the back end of 2023 and that has continued during the first quarter of 2024. And this can be unsettling, especially for installers who’ve become accustomed to a steady stream of leads.

But a slowdown doesn’t have to spell disaster for your business and proactively topping up your lead volume is a wise move to maintain momentum. A consistent pipeline of leads allows you to keep your sales team busy and maintain a healthy conversion rate.

Even with a slowdown, there will still be homeowners looking for home improvement projects and our consumer facing websites are still generating a huge number of enquiries customers looking for installers. Your competitors won’t be taking a break, so it’s crucial to stay visible and ensure you’re capturing your share of those inquiries.

At Leads 2 Trade, we understand the importance of lead generation for installers, especially during market shifts, which is why we developed the Lead Vault.

It features a range of leads, including web qualified from its comparison websites, call centre qualified, exclusive or semi-exclusive, priced from as little as £15 and is a more cost-effective way for installers to top up their lead volume and ensure their sales pipeline stays healthy when compared to our traditional lead packages, including our premium appointment, no pitch no fee, and double qualified leads.

The vault allows installers to increase their lead volume with flexibility, giving them the control to access additional leads as needed, rather than committing to a large upfront investment; perfect for installers who want to test the waters or supplement their existing lead generation efforts.

A market slowdown doesn’t have to be a setback and by securing additional leads now, installers will be well-positioned to capitalise when the market rebounds – after all, it won’t stay quiet forever.

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