Free training offer from Emmegi (UK)

Wayne Hunter
Wayne Hunter

Emmegi (UK) says user error is now the biggest single cause of machinery breakdowns, with lots of avoidable problems stemming directly from poorly trained operators.

In response, the Coventry-based aluminium machinery specialist is offering a day’s free onsite training for any customer who takes out a new Emmegi service contract.

Operations manager, Wayne Hunter, explained the motivation behind the offer: “Component failure on a CNC or saw is actually very rare if the machine is consistently operated in line with our training guide. That means always running it at correct speeds, always keeping the cutters sharpened and making sure you avoid collisions which can cause hidden damage.

“We see some fantastic examples of customers who have kept their machines running reliably for many years and crucially at optimum performance levels – simply by making sure everyone who operates the machine has been properly trained,” he continued.

“The investment these companies make in training pays for itself just in terms of avoiding breakdowns, but it also means they make the most of their machine’s features and capabilities – and get lots of valuable advice and tips from our experts.

“Unfortunately, the trap that too many companies fall into is allowing operators to train each other, which means things are inevitably missed and bad habits get passed on,” said Wayne.

“We provide operator training as standard when a new machine is installed, but if the product portfolio changes or a new operator takes over, then we always recommend that customers call us to arrange an additional training session as soon as possible. When you compare the cost of that with the cost of replacing a component which has failed because the machine is operating incorrectly, then it’s a pretty simple equation.”

Emmegi (UK)’s offer of a day’s free training to customers who opt for an Emmegi service contract for the first time is designed to encourage better uptake of training and demonstrate its ongoing value. The training offer is flexible so customers could, for example, choose a half day of software training and a half day of operator training if they prefer.

For more details call: 02476 676192 or visit: