The state of play

Katie Bregazzi
Katie Bregazzi

Katie Bregazzi, chartered PR practitioner and director at glazing specialist full-service marketing agency Balls2 Marketing, explores the crucial role of marketing in sustaining and growing businesses during periods of sales decline.

You only need to talk to people or look at the stats across the industry to know that the market is tough. New data from the Office for National Statistics shows that the UK economy stagnated in April, with the UK GDP unchanged month-on-month.

It isn’t all doom and gloom and will in part be down to the natural cyclical nature of sales. Industry data shows that we know affluent households are still investing in new windows and doors, and both Business Pilot’s May order values and Tommy Trinder’s average quote values have been reported to be on the up.

Timing is everything

In challenging times, building trust and credibility becomes even more crucial. Consumers are more likely to engage with brands they perceive as reliable, transparent and consistent in their communication.

The glazing industry has seen the demise of big household names this year, and gaps in your marketing efforts could bring into question whether the company will still be here a year from now.

Companies that offer transparency and clear communication often win out and, according to the Edelman Trust Barometer 2024, our work is cut out in our marketing efforts, where it reports for the first time that the UK’s consumers are now among the least-trusting countries when it comes to communications.

This is where the timing of what you do and the output you choose is vital, and it is important that marketing activity should not just be switched off. In the same report, listening was cited as a top three trust-building action that businesses should do and search engines were the most trusted platform for information.

Less of the same, more of what’s right

But what really sits as new here? And when we will we stop hitting the pause button on marketing when times are tough? If anything, it acts more as a demonstration of the importance of staying visible and maintaining a strong brand presence through consistent marketing activities. This is when it’s key to find ways of engaging with existing customers and nurture leads during slower periods, making sure that during a dip you’re not hellbent on seeing through a strategy or campaign that was set 12 months ago, focused on sell, sell, sell.

That’s where a reactive and adaptive approach to your marketing strategy needs to take centre stage. For example, turn marketing efforts to listening forums, share success stories, customer testimonials, and detailed case studies or produce informative and educational content such as whitepapers, guides and video tutorials – all these act as demonstrations of expertise and reliability. And, will be the essential foundations to keep customers trust and loyalty for when they are ready to purchase again.

Keeping the lights on

In times of economic uncertainty and market challenges, the importance of strategic marketing in the glazing and construction sectors cannot be overstated.

By emphasising value propositions, leveraging digital transformation, building trust, and engaging with the community, businesses can navigate these challenges effectively. As the industry continues to evolve, those who prioritise robust marketing strategies will be well-positioned to thrive, regardless of the external pressures they face.

At Balls2 Marketing, we understand that it’s not just the end products that impact business performance, and our strategic specialisms within the team mean we can help customers get the best from their marketing.

Balls2 Marketing is a full service marketing agency delivering PR, Social Media, Digital Marketing, Strategy and Consultancy and Creative Services, visit to find out more.