Sustainability will be key

Mark Enderby
Mark Enderby

By Mark Enderby, marketing manager, Maco.

Sustainability is set to dominate the marketing landscape as businesses recognise the profound shift in consumer values and expectations throughout supply chains.

Already this year we have had conversations with fabricators who have said that when it comes to choosing suppliers, sustainability has been at the forefront of their criteria, and they have been thrilled with the work we are doing here at Maco.

These businesses have come to realise that sustainability – and of course the actual true execution of being more sustainable from the businesses that promote it – have come to realise that it’s not only morally imperative, but also a strategic direction they need to take in order to resonate with today’s conscious consumer.

Consumers expect and demand transparency, accountability and eco-friendly actions from the brands they choose and this will increase. What once was a niche subject in marketing and communication terms, is without a doubt, a mainstream expectation to be taken seriously by every business.

There is of course a legal perspective with major global governments, particularly in Europe, placing laws and legislations to ensure companies of all sizes and types implement practices to ensure we all work towards net zero by 2050.

Sadly, not all countries are as advanced as others in this aspect with China committing to get to net zero a decade later by 2060. The opinions on if this is achievable in practical terms will rage on, but the intention is there at least, even if the practices that get implemented are vastly different.

Embracing sustainability is not just about attracting customers and obligating all of our morale commitments to the planet, it’s also about future-proofing against regulatory risks and market uncertainties.

Companies across all parts of the industry that embrace sustainability properly as part of their circular economy and not just a singular area such as recycling or C02 reduction will also see practical benefits such as operational efficiency and enhanced brand loyalty. A circular economy approach is vital, as it brings sustainability within every aspect of a business’s fibre.

The circular economy is something that here at Maco we have been optimising and embracing year on year for decades. This has seen impacts across the business and how we operate around the globe, including choices on strategic investments such as having a short European regional supply chain with sustainable suppliers from raw materials to delivery of our final solutions.

The delivery of products and materials is managed by intermodal transport methods benefiting the planet and customers. Recycling and use of recycled materials, software optimisations, machinery improvements that produce less waste and emit less C02 are all topics of which Maco continually invests in as we work towards being a net zero manufacturer.

By embracing circularity, we are not only contributing to a more sustainable future but are also creating a unique selling proposition. This is because it aligns with our core values and demonstrates a commitment to responsible resource management. Moreover, sustainability is no longer confined to just the environmental aspect; it extends to social and ethical considerations.

Consumers want to support companies that prioritise their staff and future staff, apprentices, training etc. alongside diversity, inclusion, and community engagement. Brands that communicate a holistic commitment to sustainability, encompassing environmental, social, and economic dimensions, are likely to resonate more deeply with consumers in 2024.

To learn more about how we here at Maco live a circular approach just search for the ‘Maco future Report’ or e-mail me directly at