Passion for marketing

Andy Ball, managing director of Balls2 Marketing, talks about how passion for marketing fuels campaigns for clients.

We’ve all heard the saying “Choose a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life”. It’s quite overused (by recruitment agencies, for example), but I think it has a lot of truth in it, especially for small businesses and organisations.

It was proved to us recently at a talk by Veganuary founders Matthew Glover and Jane Land at the University of Derby, as part of a Chartered Institute of Public Relations event that Sarah and the CIPR Midlands team organised. Matthew and Jane were invited to talk about how their Veganuary movement started and the PR secrets behind their success.

As well as some great stats on the growing number of vegans both here in the UK and across the world, Matthew and Jane shared some great stories with us about television interviews, launching their book ‘How to go Vegan’, and working with some of the biggest food brands in the UK to bring more vegan products to mainstream food retailers.

It was brilliant to learn how their campaign has sky-rocketed since its launch in January 2014 and how social media, particularly Facebook, has paid such an important part in driving sign-ups to take the vegan pledge. But it also reminded me that having real passion for what you do can make the world of difference to any business or organisation.

At Balls2 Marketing, we’re all proud to call ourselves marketing and PR geeks. Whether it’s sharing a great advert we’ve seen, swooning over a great direct marketing campaign, or swotting up on the latest Google algorithm, we all love learning from successful marketing campaigns across all industries.

This is reflected in the marketing strategies we create for our clients, and as our team grows we get even more input and some really creative ideas to get businesses noticed by the right people.