Marketing’s vital role in a long-term approach to business

Gemma Diratzonian, marketing manager at Yale Door and Window Solutions, discusses why marketing is still a vital business function to a company’s fortunes.
Often during challenging times, businesses will closely manage costs and marketing budgets are easy targets to be cut.
However, during these times it’s important to continue to maintain brand awareness, promote your products, sponsor industry events, stay close to your customers and keep your business relevant.
As a ‘B2B’ organisation, marketing has always been an integral part of the Yale DWS business strategy and will continue to be so moving forward. Creating and maintaining a relevant presence in the eyes and minds of both potential and existing customers is a consistent mission so that when a customer need arises, the first thought that comes to mind is Yale.
Innovation is key for any business to ensure it stays ahead of the competition. More often than not new doors and windows are a distress purchase.

If a homeowner is looking to make that purchase then it is preferable that they already know and trust the brand, making them more likely to make your product the one they chose. Now, more than ever, it is critical to offer products designed to promote aesthetics, energy efficiency, sustainability, and cutting-edge technology that excite customers and to promote and push these aspects through your marketing platforms.
We are seeing that the appetite for smart solutions amongst UK homeowners and fabricators will continue to grow this year and subsequently will focus our marketing efforts in this sector. Since its launch, we’ve seen huge interest and demand for our SensCheck smart sensors as window and door fabricators look to add features into their offerings to put them at the forefront of the consumer benchmarking process.
The proliferation of profile colours and choices has characterised fenestration product development in recent years. In 2022 we announced that we are now running at nine exciting colours and finishes to Yale’s door and window furniture suite, and we will continue to build on this offering. Our Yale SlotVent colour range continues to expand with multiple profile colour matches, foiled vents and we will soon be launching an acoustic version to the market. We will also continue our support of industry events such as The Glazing Summit, industry race days and PiGs.
When we are competing for the pound in the customer’s pocket, we need to use every advantage at our disposal and that’s where the Yale brand is so important to us. Trust must be established before a customer decides to purchase. They will always feel compelled to opt for brands they know and trust as they associate familiarity with reliability.
As a recognised and trusted consumer brand, Yale is seen as the expert in home security. When fabricators and installers can offer consumers a window or door with ‘Yale security built-in’, then it is an extra card to play when convincing the consumer to part with their hard-earned money.
2023 may bring more challenges but as an industry, we have ridden the storm of 2022, learnt lessons and will continue to make the most of the opportunities out there…because there will still be plenty of opportunities for success if you get your marketing right.