Making a real difference

Jade Nelson
Jade Nelson

We take a closer look at how Window Widget’s sustainability strategy is making a positive impact with the business and the people who work there.

Sustainability is a big deal for every company in every sector. To the point that it’s actually quite hard to know whether a company actually cares, or simply knows that they’re meant to. Greenwashing is a phrase everyone has likely been hearing recently.

The antidote, according to Window Widgets, is ‘evidence and action’. Evidence not just of saying the right things, but of doing the right things at a corporate level. Window Widgets’ focus has been on doing just that – specifically by transforming how it deals with waste and using that as the first step of a long-term green strategy.

In 2023, Window Widgets is said to have successfully diverted over 42 tonnes of PVC waste away from landfill – completing its first full year of being zero waste to landfill.

In addition, it put a major emphasis on recycling a greater range of materials leading to the recycling of the following:

Sally Gingell
  • 10 tonnes of cardboard
  • 2 tonnes of aluminium swarf
  • 7 tonnes of wood
  • 6 tonnes of WE’EE and metal

But beyond the statistics, there’s also said to be a more subtle, attitudinal shift happening at Window Widgets. In taking a greener attitude as a business, and making it a focal point of day-to-day operations, this is having a positive impact on the company’s employees and how they go about their work and home lives.

Jade Nelson is Window Widgets customer service manager and sustainability is a part of her day-to-day work. She said: “We are continually looking at ways we can improve our efficiency and sustainability. By carefully planning our delivery days, driver hours and vehicle loads it means we can optimise space and stay as economical as possible.

“I think about sustainability all the time and try my best to keep my carbon footprint to a minimum. The way I see it, each time we choose to put some rubbish into the recycling bin as opposed to a normal bin, each time we remember to pick up our reusable water bottle rather than picking one up at the shop or even using a Tupperware container rather than wrapping our lunch in cling film, we make a difference.”

Window Widgets’ sales manager, Sally Gingell, is similarly environmentally conscious due to her consistent travel for work.

She commented: “I plan my visits with customers accordingly, with a hybrid car I need to ensure I’m optimising my travel time and mileage. We have systems in place that can help plan this.

“We have an excellent recycling initiative at Window Widgets too. Ensuring we recycle our PVC-U and then use it in the production of many of our Window Widgets’ range.

“We’re also really keen to encourage our customers to improve their sustainability measures too. They could do this with reusable packaging, well planned deliveries, and offering their own recycling scheme for example.”

By Window Widgets committing to sustainable strategies going forward, the company says it has created ‘a virtuous cycle’, because when sustainability is a priority at work, it becomes one at home. And when sustainability is a priority at home, it helps inspire ever new initiative and ideas at work.

Andy Taylor, Group QSHE manager at Window Widgets, commented: “Sustainable practices not only benefit our planet but also contribute to a more responsible and resilient business and we look forward to continuing our hard work for a more sustainable future.”