Leading the way in sustainable manufacturing

Michael Hewitt
Michael Hewitt

The fenestration industry plays a crucial role in promoting sustainability and reducing carbon emissions.

As buildings account for a significant portion of global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, it is essential that the sector takes steps to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

One company that is said to be leading the way in this effort is AT Precision, a hardware supplier that has recently introduced Recycled Thermal Reinforcement (RTR) bars to its product portfolio.

AT Precision’s RTR bars are made from 100% recycled PVC-U, offering both strength and increased thermal performance to windows. According to AR Precision, the bars not only contribute to improving energy efficiency, but also boast an impressive minimum lifespan of 35 years.

The introduction of these sustainable products follows AT Precision’s launch of an in-house recycling scheme, which sees the company collect unused or unwanted PVC-U materials from its customers and process them for use in manufacturing their range of RTR bars.

What are the benefits?

One of the key advantages of AT Precision’s RTR bars is their compatibility with all major profile systems. This means that regardless of the specific window system being used, customers can benefit from the enhanced thermal performance and strength they provide.

The company claims that this compatibility ensures that architects, builders, and manufacturers have the flexibility to incorporate sustainable fenestration solutions into their projects without compromising on design or functionality – whether it’s a residential, commercial, or industrial application, RTR bars are said to offer a versatile solution that aligns with sustainability goals while seamlessly integrating into existing profile systems.

In addition, AT Precision says that its RTR bars offer a significant advantage over their steel counterparts by making the manufacturing process easier. Unlike traditional steel reinforcement bars, which require additional fabrication and installation procedures, RTR bars are said to be relatively quick and easy to install.

This streamlined manufacturing process saves valuable time and resources for fabricators, allowing them to increase production efficiency without compromising on quality.

The use of RTR bars also eliminates the need for welding or specialised equipment typically associated with steel reinforcements, further simplifying the manufacturing process.

Cost-effective solution

AT Precision says that its RTR bars not only offer superior sustainability and ease of installation, but also provide a more affordable option compared to their competitors.

The company’s in-house recycling scheme allows them to repurpose unused or unwanted PVC-U materials, reducing manufacturing costs and passing on the savings to customers.

By utilising recycled materials, AT Precision adds that it can offer RTR bars at ‘a significantly lower price point’ without compromising on quality or performance.

Ongoing commitment 

AT Precision sales director, Michael Hewitt, commented: “In the face of pressing environmental challenges, the fenestration sector is directing more effort towards sustainability – and at AT Precision, we are dedicated to playing our role in preserving our planet.

“Not only does our innovative recycling scheme expand our manufacturing facility by an extra 10,000ft2, but it also solidifies our commitment to sustainability. By repurposing PVC-U materials that would otherwise go to waste, we are able to reduce our carbon footprint while providing high-quality products for customers.”