It’s been a challenge, but we’re confident for the future

Glass Times editor, Luke Wood, catches up with Sarah Hitchings, sales & marketing director at Window Widgets, who discusses demand, the acquisition of Profoil and the company’s ongoing fundraising success.
Luke Wood (LW): How well has Window Widgets performed this year?
Sarah Hitchings (SH): It’s difficult to compare year on year data as we still feel the effects of the pandemic. However, Window Widgets performance remains strong compared to pre-covid levels, sales have been high and we have performed at the same rate as last year which is great to see.
Although, in recent months, we have started to see it soften slightly which is no surprise as the industry has had a demanding couple of years. With mounting pressures of raw material pricing and availability threatening the industry, it really has been a challenge, but we are pleased that performance is comparable to last year.
LW: What is your outlook for the short to medium term?
SH: We know that the general economic position is precarious, with the ongoing cost of living crisis leading to uncertainty in consumer spending.
We understand that this may affect performance for the next few months, with fewer people looking to undertake big projects on their homes due to expense, but we remain hopeful that performance won’t be impacted too much as we look towards the medium-long term.
LW: Have you noticed a particular pick-up in demand for foiled products? If so, do you think that indicates a broader demand for higher value products in the home improvement sector?
SH: Our foiled products have a unique foiled finish to them, and demand for this range has steadily increased over the past 15 years, especially so in the past five years.
This is one positive effect of Covid we have seen; with more people spending time at home, they are wanting to invest more in their homes and are looking for a better choice of high-quality products that will stand the test of time and suit their personal style too.
Colour and finishes for products gives homeowners that choice to make their home different and perfect for them, along with the introduction of more premium products such as flush windows and doors that are aimed to last. So, we do estimate that the demand for these products does signal a broader demand for higher value products in the home improvement sector.
LW: Has the acquisition of Profoil in May, helped to respond to any demand for foiled products?
SH: As Profoil is our sole supplier of foiled products within Window Widgets, it has been a great strategic acquisition for us and we are really pleased with the performance. The acquisition has allowed us to secure supply and vertically integrate the process, and we are currently looking at more investments that will improve productivity on shorter runs of foils, allowing us to respond to the industry demands with better efficiency.
LW: We have seen some high profile fund raising this year from Window Widgets, with the Little Pink Book of Jokes and the charity auction at the Glass Times race day – can you give us an overview of the fundraising and how much money has been raised?
SH: We are very proud to continuously support GM Fundraising and We Mind Kelly Matters at Window Widgets. We created The Little Pink Book of Jokes and the Super Widgets Children’s Activity book in the hope of raising awareness and well-needed funds for these two amazing charities that are close to our hearts.
We are pleased to say that we have now raised just over £15,000 from our fundraising efforts, and are edging closer to our target of £21,000 – but we aim to go above and beyond this. Glass Times has been a top supporter and sponsor of our Little Pink Book of Jokes, as well as raffles at the Glass Times Race Days, and we couldn’t be more grateful for their support.