Cut costly callbacks with innovative products

Paul Higgins
Paul Higgins

Commercial director of TuffX, Paul Higgins, explores why callbacks may be more of an issue than installation businesses think, and offers some suggestions on how to prevent them. 

Callbacks are a common problem in almost any trade and an expensive problem at that.

By the time you consider the cost of labour involved, additional materials needed, the fall in productivity as a result of having to take manpower away from other projects, and of course, the risk to reputation, remedial work is more than just a nuisance, it’s a big business expense.

The glazing industry is no stranger to callbacks, with conservatories proving particularly difficult to get right first time.

However, while they can never be avoided entirely, there are some things companies can do to reduce the chances of having to make a return visit, including choosing the right products for the job.

Clear costings and communication

Firstly, it can be useful to work out how much callbacks actually cost the business. Using some of the above factors, as well as, for example, travel expenses, whether any equipment needs to be rented, or subcontractors employed, demonstrating the often surprisingly large cost of callbacks can motivate everyone in the business to try to prevent the need for remedial work.

According to Check a Trade, another way to help reduce callbacks is through communication. Communication with the homeowner and any other trades people that might be involved with the project, about what the job entails.

As the job progresses, be sure to keep the customer informed and answer any queries they have as you go. And when the installation is finished, share your expertise by explaining how to look after their new windows, doors, or conservatory. Correct maintenance itself can help prevent costly callbacks.

Source the best materials

Another important way to prevent the need for remedial work is to use the best materials for the job. It’s worth researching the market at regular intervals for different products that may offer a better solution.

Conservatories for example suffer a lot of callbacks for leaking roofs, often from the use of multiple muntin bars in the structure. Using larger panes of glass in the roof reduces the need for remedial work because fewer muntin bars are required. Unfortunately, not many suppliers offer larger glass roof panes for conservatories, and installers are suffering the consequences.

Go big!

TuffX offers a solution with its oversized Ambience conservatory glass, a high-performance glass in up to 4m panes.

The larger panes are made from 4mm toughened glass, not the thicker 6mm glass as some might imagine is necessary to achieve a wider expanse. As the only UK glass supplier to be able to achieve this size, with other companies only supplying panes up to 3.2m, any conservatory built using oversized Ambience glass won’t need as many muntin bars, giving fewer opportunities for leaks.

Larger expanses of glass also offer homeowners a better view through their conservatory roof with fewer sightlines interrupting the outlook. It’s a product that is becoming increasingly popular with 10-15% of all orders from our Ambience range now consisting of this oversized option.

The entire Ambience range has been developed with world-leading glass manufacturers to provide year-round comfort with solar control, self-cleaning properties for easy maintenance, as well as beautiful aesthetics with a range of tint options including high performance blue, standard blue and neutral.

The high-performance blue is currently our most popular option as it offers 80% solar reflection. The glass is also available on a five to seven day lead time with nationwide delivery available. It can be used to upgrade existing conservatories but is also a fantastic choice for installers that are serious about preventing callbacks.

As some green shoots start to appear in the home improvement market, installation businesses need to be as productive and profitable as possible to make up for lost time. Preventing or at least reducing the number of costly callbacks by using the best materials for the job is an easy and highly effective place to start.