A modern method of lead generation

Andy Clear, co-founder of Augmented Reality Creations, discusses the unique benefits of the ARC Design visualisation tool.

In today’s fiercely competitive market, it’s more important than ever that fabricators do what they can to help their installer customers bolster business and stand out from the crowd.

Many fabricators do this already, by offering brochures and technical guides, installation assistance, and even showroom support.

But what’s really needed to boost business is to have a concrete way of generating leads – after all, leads are essential for any kind of growth.

At Augmented Reality Creations (ARC), we have developed ARC Design, a unique visualisation tool that sits within an installer’s website, helping homeowners design and fully customise their own conservatory within minutes, before submitting the design to the installer to request a quote.

With the click of a button, the homeowner can then view their design in 3D augmented reality, allowing them to view the conservatory in situ on their house, helping them make their final decision.

Engaging design

Browsing web traffic is a huge and often untapped source of clients, and with ARC Design, customers are hooked in on an installer’s website with a simple and engaging design experience – they play with, and educate themselves about, their options, and the time spent doing so is fully associated with an installer’s brand, positioning that installer as a frontrunner for the installation.

All the homeowner’s design preferences and contact details are automatically delivered to the installer, eliminating the frustrating back and forth process between clients and sales reps – a sales rep’s first interaction with a prospect can then be highly informed and enable easy demonstration of expertise, giving a faster route to sale and opening the door for a higher price.

And for word of mouth and other more traditional leads, ARC Design is in a league of its own. Installers can send links for pre-configured designs to potential customers to explore at their own leisure, meaning when a house call is necessary, the experience is accelerated with rapid designing and cutting-edge augmented reality walkthroughs.

As a result, the software is a huge help in increasing lead generation, while also boosting brand reputation and trust in an installer’s business.

The ideal support

With all its benefits, ARC Design is the ideal tool that fabricators can offer their installer customers. There are of course many installer schemes in the industry, with some better than others, but we believe that ARC Design is a truly standout offering that will help fabricators help their customers get – and stay – ahead of the competition.

Thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, today’s consumers are much more open to dealing with installers in a virtual environment, whether discussing projects over Zoom, receiving an online quote – or delving into augmented reality.

It’s a truly modern way of not only attracting customers but keeping them engaged up to the crucial decision-making step.

Lead generation can often be difficult and time consuming, but with ARC Design, it doesn’t need to be. This innovative software is easy to use, requires no design experience or training, and can be installed onto a website in just half an hour.

The bottom line is that if you want to help your customers grow, it’s essential that you can provide them with a good lead generation strategy, and with a powerful lead generation tool like ARC Design, you’ll not only see your customers’ success, but in turn, yours, too.