Double director appointments

Deceuninck UK has appointed two new directors, Chris Jones and Darren Woodcock, following several years of outstanding performance, the company said.

Previously head of sales, Chris Jones has been promoted to sales director, and Darren Woodcock has been promoted to operations director.

Chris joined Deceuninck in 2014 and has helped existing customers grow and also switched a stream of fabricators over to Deceuninck.

In 2016, Darren joined Deceuninck and set up its purpose-built foiling plant within just nine months. Deceuninck now foils over five million metres a year and regularly sets the industry benchmark for outstanding quality and service in foiling, the company said.

Managing director Rob McGlennon said: “I’m delighted to confirm Chris and Darren’s promotions. They have helped us grow fast and built our reputation for helping fabricators grow. Darren set up our foiling plant and his expertise ensures production runs seamlessly. Meanwhile, Chris drives sales with existing customers and has built a heathy pipeline of new fabricators waiting to become customers. This year so far, 10 fabricators have switched to Deceuninck.”

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