Keeping your head

Glass Times editor Nathan Bushell suggests that together we can build a stronger industry.
Last week, we reported on the PVB resin shortage, which is affecting production of laminate glass.
Of course, it joins a list of other component parts that are threatening to bottleneck production of glazing products as demand reaches levels not even dreamed about before the pandemic.
Which makes supply chain difficulties even less surprising. If the systems in place were comfortably operating close to capacity, with companies reluctant to – or unable, due to space – tie up money in excess stock, then the situation the construction industry finds itself in now was arguably inevitable.
The Business Pilot Barometer now has just over a year’s-worth of data to analyse, and draws some interesting comparisons between today’s situation, and where we found ourselves last spring.
The takeaway piece of advice is that those companies that will weather the storm, are those that manage their processes the most efficiently. If what the forecasters say is true – that the pandemic will have a profound effect on the way we view our homes – then this isn’t a flash in the pan.
We should maybe take this opportunity not only to manage the immediate off-kilter supply and demand issues, but look to create operations that will meet the demands that will present themselves in two to five years’ time.
In a bid to keep our collective eye on the bigger picture as we emerge from the pandemic, The Glazing Summit has organised its own construction census, which I think is a good idea, and could help to create a more stable fenestration industry if we share our expectations and experiences. The results will be fascinating.