Large architectural glass LED media facades

G-Smatt has completed the installation of what is believed to be one of the world’s largest installations of an architectural LED media glass facade – on the Coex Convention and Exhibition Centre in Samseong-dong of Gangnam-gu district in Seoul, South Korea.

The project took three months to install and was completed in December 2017.

There were a number of challenges facing the team as the building remained open throughout the construction process. So, while the G-Smatt media glass could be installed during the day, all the associated welding and painting had to be carried out overnight.

On the technical side the main challenge came in the form of the three different zones, which were of varying dimension. This required complex engineering to ensure a constant pitch of the LEDs across the glass to ensure the highest quality for the media display. A total of 1,200m2 of the media glass has been installed which contains more than 400,000 LEDs.