Being creative

By Adrian Toon, director of a2n.

Following on from ‘good composition’ last month, which is really getting the best picture of the product installed, ‘being creative’ takes this one step forward by adjusting the product setting itself.

Often, objects are in the way of installed windows door and conservatories, so with the owner’s permission, these can temporarily be moved to allow for a better image to be taken. Objects could consist of curtains, furniture, ornaments etc. On the outside, pot plants and garden furniture, hose pipes, etc, could also be moved. All this careful adjustment of the setting will help you get a better picture.

Going even further, should you know the installation, source the props you could use. I’ve been on shoots with installation clients who have brought cushions, glasses and ornaments on a conservatory shoot to dress the space as they want to see it in the final image.

You may also wish to have people involved in a shoot to offer a ‘lifestyle’ feel to the images. While you would normally be working with a professional photographer under these circumstances, there is no reason why you could not approach an agency to select models, such as a ‘family’, to be in your images. To do this you will need to have very clear ideas of what images you wish to capture to ensure you get best value of your time on location.

Practicing creativity and composition together will assist you in getting the image you want to support your marketing efforts.