Makeover videos

A new series of consumer ‘makeover’ videos from Solidor is designed so installers can show homeowners that difference a new door can make.
The videos are hosted by property developer/vlogger and TV presenter Georgina Burnett.

In the first video Georgina interviews homeowner Elaine, who wants a replacement for her old 28mm PVCU white panel door. On closer inspection the door proves to have a number of problems, including a tatty handle with pitting problems, seals coming away from the corners and a ‘knackered’ lock strip. Moreover, the cylinder takes just five seconds to snap with mole grips.
The homeowner chooses a new Offset French door from Solidor’s Italia range as it needs to open out fully to allow access for her daughter, who uses a wheelchair.

Gareth Bussson, Solidor Group’s head of sales and marketing, said: “The series is designed to generate leads for Solidor installers and help them sell, so they can show homeowners real-life case studies.”