Withstanding fire doors

FD30 fire doors from West Port have been proven to withstand fires for 40% longer than the legal requirement.

To achieve an FD30 rating, products have to hold flames at bay for 30 minutes. Subjected to rigorous testing by both Cambridge Fire Research and BRE, West Port’s door managed to withstand temperatures in excess of 800ºC for 42 minutes 7 seconds, or 40% longer.

Ken Mercer, West Port commercial sales director, said: “After the terrible tragedy at Grenfell, fire safety is being talked about more than it has for decades.

“It’s clear that for far too long, attitudes towards fire safety have been too lax, and it’s the responsibility of everyone in the construction industry to help ensure nothing like this happens again.

“It’s frighteningly common for manufacturers to test their fire door components separately, rather than testing the completely assembled door set. That can lead to products with FD30 products that only last a fraction of the time they’re supposed to. We’ve come across FD30 fire doors that fail in under 15 minutes before, which is simply unacceptable.”
