See the light

Indeglas has launched a new Riba-approved CPD module, which discusses natural daylight, and the pivotal role it plays in promoting human health, wellbeing and productivity when designing the built environment.

“This new module is pivotal for architects, designers, engineers and those who procure buildings,” said Indeglas’s managing director Jeanette MacIntyre. “We bring evidence-based data to support the notion that human performance, mental health and wellbeing should be placed at the heart of building design.

“We need to stop planning and procuring our buildings based on using cost models which only reflect construction stage rates; instead, the whole life value of the building, how well it supports human productivity and long-term health, are of far greater relevance to the creation of a net zero carbon in the circular and sustainable economy.

“As we build to protect mankind from the elements and to create environments which support a range of activities and collaboration, we can now use also evidence-based scientific data to design interiors which ensure occupants remain connected to daylight, an essential component in human health and productivity.”

The CPD module, which carries one hour of professional accreditation, makes references to neurological research from institutions including Harvard Medical School and discloses new data on how the human brain reacts to daylight.

“It has been proven scientifically that humans have an in-built requirement to experience the continually shifting patterns of daylight from morning to night,” Jeanette said.

“Disrupting or confusing the biological clock – for example, by working in an environment devoid of exposure to the variations of natural light – can now be directly linked to chronic health conditions, such as sleep disorders, obesity, diabetes and depression.”