Back at the show

Visitors to Windowbase’s stand at the FIT Show will be able to try the national window database for themselves, for free.

That’s 14,000 current, accurate-as-possible records of companies who could become customers.

In-house interviewers make thousands of calls a year to validate contact details, products, system and supplier information to ensure the data it provide is as accurate and current as it’s possible to be.

Windowbase provides names, addresses, phone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses along with details of company size, products and systems used and activities.

“The information can easily be tailored to requirements,” Neil Parsonson, Windowbase’s database manager, said. “So if you are looking to target a specific market sector we can provide that information and that’s all you pay for. Our data is great for direct marketing by email, post, fax or phone and you can even add information to our records that no one else can see.

“Don’t waste time and effort chasing leads in companies that have gone away, ceased trading or changed ownership. That is simply money down the drain. Accurate and up-to-date information is invaluable and essential when looking for new business.”
