Thermal calculation

Profile 22 has just added 24mm and 28mm variations of its Optima window system to U-Comply N, an online calculator that allows fabricators and installers to calculate thermal efficiency ratings.

Gerald Allen, Profile 22’s marketing manager, said: “The U-Comply N calculator now allows you to demonstrate compliance on any number of Optima window specifications. As well as eliminating the significant costs involved in testing different specifications of windows, you can also use U-Comply N to demonstrate Optima’s compliance with the new regulations.”

U-Comply N can be accessed at The calculator has been approved by BSI as a Notified Body and automatically creates BSI Approved Notified Body Reports for CE marking.

The calculator has been designed to be easy to use and work across all devices. It also offers complete flexibility in window construction options, so the thermal efficiency of even the most bespoke of projects can be calculated.