New speedy IGU line

Lisec has launched the Velocity and Velocity Plus, which, combines above-average quality and a high output, according to the company.
The Velocity Plus can produce double glazed units (900mm x 600mm) in just 16 seconds, including hot-melt sealing. Triple glazed units take 26 seconds).
“This is the fastest plant for this type of processing currently available on the market,” Lisec said in a release. “This short cycle time complies with the market requirements especially for series insulating glass producers in the USA, Great Britain and South Korea.”
Velocity, with a spacer applicator, achieves a cycle time of 24 seconds for DGUs. The Velocity Plus, on the other hand, has two spacer applicators that apply the spacers onto the glass sheet free from tension.
In paired operation, the gas-filling press allows the simultaneous assembly of two insulating glass units with different sizes and thus a faster production with low investment costs.
The new Velocity line was presented for the first time at the GlassBuild America in September 2017.